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Stock information icoon

Stock information

In stock:

Green: We have over 45.000 unique parts in stock in our Netherlands central warehouse. This allows us to offer "Super-Fast" delivery. The parts we have in stock are identified with a green indicator.


Dark Green: For our most common parts, we have direct access to our partners. Items that are out of stock at MH, but in stock at our partners, will have a dark green indicator. In this case these products can normally be supplied within five working days.

Availability on request:

Orange: If parts are not available ex stock from MH or from our partners these parts will have an orange indicator.

These parts will be subject to supplier indicated lead times and on a case by case basis we might be able to source the requested items.

More details:

Grey: Assemblies, for example: rotaries, consist of multiple items that have their own stock-availability. These assemblies will have a grey indicator. Once you press the 'GO'-button, you'll be redirected to the stock of all related items.



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